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 Darling Army - ​​

As found on ETSY

Lan "Tarryk" Kozar

Welcome to our Shameless Plugs Page! Here is where we tell you all about the awesome people that we feature in each episode!

Shameless Plugs​

​Amy met Tarryk 0ver 10 years ago while playing MMORPG, Anarchy Online. He is the founder of Gridstream Productions, the game's most excellent radio station which is still around and as strong as ever. Amy and Tarryk found they had a mutual love for making music and kept in touch over the years.  Tarryk has created a colorful cast of characters involving the MMO, and has put them into skits and songs in which you can hear on his own YouTube Channel along with his killer original tracks here at  Tarryk​

Knowing how much of a huuuuuuuuge Firefly fan Tarryk is, naturally Amy thought of him and the song he had done as a tribute. It was destiny.

Hear the whole song: Kismet (Flying On)​


I was penniless for Christmas. Therefore, in lieu of spending money on gifts for my friends, I gathered the scrap material I had laying around the house and did what I do best: designed and sewed girly, nerd-inspired aprons. I tailored these to each of my friends' personal interests. They were a hit and I was hooked. Tentatively, I created a couple more designs and decided to test them out on Etsy.A few lovely people were kind enough to give me a chance, and, with growing profit and popularity, I have been able to amass a large number of femme designs that I have been dreaming of creating for years.


See her wide variety of aprons and pinafores!

Darling Army Shop on Etsy​​

We would love to feature you if you've got something going that has to do with the theme of the show we are doing next!


We would love to feature you if you've got something going that has to do with the theme of the show we are doing next!


Who will it be?

Who will it be?

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